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更新时间2018-08-24 17:12:08




1.燃气炉具 Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels (AppliGas)


2.载人的索道装置 Cableway Installations to Carry Persons


3.低电压电气设备 Low Voltage Electrical Equipment


4.建筑产品 Construction Products


5.使用于具有爆炸性环境中的设备和防护系统 Equipment and Protective Systems for Used in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (Atex)


6.民用爆破器材 Explosives for Civil Uses


7.燃烧液体或气体燃料的热水锅炉 Hot Water Boilers


8.家用电冰箱或电冷柜 Household Refrigerators & Freezers


9.升降机 Lift


10.机械 machinery


11.航海设备 Marine Equipment


12.(普通)医疗器械 Medical Devices


13.主动可植入医疗器械 Active Implantable Medical Devices


14.体外诊断医疗器械 In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices


15.非自动称量仪器 Non-automatic Weighing Instruments


16.无线电及电信终端设备 Radio Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE)


17.个人防护设备 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


18.简单压力容器 Simple Pressure Vessels


19.压力设备 Pressure Equipment.


20.休闲用船只 Recreational Craft.


21.玩具 Toys


22.跨欧洲高速列车系统 Trans-European Conventional Rail System


23. 其它......

