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更新时间2019-10-10 15:45:35

中国的水源资源丰富,但也存在着分布不均、受到污染、消耗量大等问题,因此,我们应该采取措施避免将来可能的水资源危机。请根据以上信息,以Water Resources in China为题,写1篇短文。

              Water Resources in China   中国的水资源


     China is an arid country thirsty of water, especially in the arid and semi-arid areas of northwest China.


  Currently, the scarcity of water resources in China is the main problem that restricts the agricultural sustainable development.


      It is the inevitable requirement of the development of the future agriculture and social economy to increase the utilization rate and productive efficiency of agricultural water resources in China.


Wearebuilding up a reservoir to store the river water accumulatedduringthe flood season, lest it might run off.


     Rainwater harvesting and utilizing is an effective measurs for solving water shortage arid and semiarid areas.


     Construction of large-scale water conservancy works has been launched following the new idea on flood-control.


     But meanwhile I noticed that water pollution in our city was becoming more and more serious.


     Water pollution is the major reason for the shortage of water resources in city.


     Headwaters resource protection, water pollution control and sustainable utilization of city drinking water resources have become an important target of city water management.


   The government also strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution.


     Using aquatic plants to treat pollution has been familiar to our common life, for instance, the algae and high class plants.


     To Get the Set Principles, policies and measures implemented.


     weshould insist on the harmonious co-existence of man and nature." To firmly establishand practice green hills and blue waters  is the concept.


