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更新时间2019-10-01 01:28:33

 1.Deep projects take time. When we spend more than a mo-

ment on an observation or task, we make deeper, more

rewarding observations.Craftsmanship and research are the

behavioral embodiment of this concept.


2. Learning to problem solve, to create versus consume, is a

fundamental part of living a liberated existence. Exercising

creativity and self-exploration is as important as learning

facts, that were discovered by others. This is the core of

constructivism and the true spirit of exploration. Practicing

creativity builds creative confidence.


3. Autonomyisnotaprivilege,buttherightofthehumanchild

and essential to the intellectual and spiritual fulfillment of

the individual. Learning self-governance through construc-

tive autonomy is central to self-actualization.


4. Failure is not a measure of a person, it is a natural con-

sequence of trying something new and of learning. Failure

teaches us what works and what does not. Failure is essen-

tial feedback for all learners, engineers and scientists.


1.2. “The prompt”


      Because PbS allows for individualized, learner driven experi-

ences, PbS lessons do not all look alike. Sometimes, students are

presented with open-ended problems, called prompts. Prompts in

PbS lessons are best likened to a game. Like most games, there

are goals and rules. The goals offer the big picture, like "get the

ball over the goal line", while the rules make the game purposeful

(content specific), safe and fun. We call the goals of the PbS game

"prompts". Once given the prompts, students solve a problem

using their knowledge or passion for skills related to t.e.a.m.s.

Using prompts, rather than a fixed set of instructions, is an

open-ended approach to learning that affords students choice and

voice, and promotes confidence, engagement and self-esteem [5].

An example of a prompt might be "Make something that can move


ergy". Once given the prompt, students are given weeks to months

(Driving Principle 1) to form teams based on passion and/or skill



differentiated learning experience for each student or group of

students. The open-endedness of prompts provides students with

control over the "why, how and what" of their learning journey in

a way that a learner needs and values (Driving Principle 3).

Once a learner is given time to see themselves as a creative,

problem solvers, they are ready for the next phase of PbS. By

the end of the school year students may be charged with finding

their own problems to solve. They are prompted to do this by

observing their local environment for the possible needs of others

to address. This kind of problem finding can come in the shape of

slow looking (observation and inquiry) or interviewing others to

hear their needs (design thinking). With the PbS model, students

use slow looking to find needs, followed by authentic inquiry and

innovation, then we document what we learn and share our new

knowledge. Using design as a platform for authentic inquiry makes

sense to learners of any age.


1.3. Constructivism to constructionism in five units


     PbS is one model for how to structure for constructivism that

allows content standards to be addressed. The PbS curriculum is

aligned with the United States Next Generation Science Standards

(NGSS) with a focus on NGSS "crosscutting concepts". In addition,

more twenty first century learning goals can be addressed, such as

creative confidence and designing solutions for the common good.

In an effort to make science literacy as authentic and rewarding for diverse learners as possible, PbS was structured using antidis-

ciplinary units or overarching themes. Themes can be applied to a

curriculum in English, math, history or science class. In Problem-

based Science, learners are exposed to specific scientific and math-

ematical content knowledge through five units: Materials, Pat-

terns, Structures, Systems and Problems. To teach science literacy




more units, Materials (material science), Structures (physics and

engineering) and Systems (interdisciplinary science).

Overarching frameworks are so general, they can help teachers

facilitate interdisciplinary projects or units, applied to traditional

STEM topics at any age/grade level and in collaboration with the

humanities, math and the arts. Instead of specific content, such

as rocks, the human body, density, etc., the units are open-ended

enough to invite individual curiosity and passion and hone in on

skills and problems that allow students to construct their own

knowledge in specific fields or domains of science. To make a

unit more interdisciplinary, the facilitator can add a prompt to

encourage historical research, interviewing, artwork or writing.


1.4. Picking problems


     When children face problems they want to solve, these prob-

lems may be within their skill set and imagination to solve, or far

outside of their abilities to solve alone. At times learners will run

into problems that they can solve quickly, with simple tools and

in relative isolation. At other times a learner will face something

novel that causes her to be stuck, she needs a clear tutorial or

mentor (peer or teacher) to get her to the next step. This is when

the tools of the internet, outside experts and antidisciplinary col-

laboration are required. In essence the walls of the classroom have

to be removed for real problems to be addressed.







