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更新时间2018-08-23 11:40:08

在从上海飞往天津的飞机上读完了刘慈欣的短篇科幻小说《思想者》。男女主人公因为恒星的闪烁而勾联在一起的故事,从青年持续到了老年。这期间,他们只见过三次面。他们前两次分别都没有留给彼此任何联系方式,也没有期待再次重逢。  如果说第二次分别存在某种重逢的期待的话,那约定重逢的前提实在是太苛刻,竟然是地球再次接收到恒星的闪烁。可以想见那时间跨度之久吗?对宇宙来说那连弹指一挥间都算不上,但对人类来说,哪怕是距地极尽的恒星,以光的速度来算,那时间跨度也是相当长的。所以跟宇宙相比,才更加理解了“人生苦短”的内涵,毕竟人类只是宇宙某个角落里一粒沙子上面的寄生菌而已,渺小的很。  但是这样宇宙级的时间约定,在没留下任何联络方式,甚至在过去多少年后,假设的会面前提双方都知道不存在的况下,还是被践行了。  我要提醒一下读者的是,男女主人公从来没有互相表白过,不能说是基于爱才重逢的。如果有好感,那也可能只是男主初见女孩时的那份心灵触动,后来转变成了内心深处无意识的单恋罢了。几十年来,彼此没有任何承诺,彼此都有自己的人生轨迹,却一直没有忘记多年前一段基于天文学的约定,彼此从青年等到了老年。  这令我想起以前看过的一部电影《爱在黎明破晓时》。男女主人公邂逅相爱后,没留下任何联络方式,约定一年后同样的地点再见面…那是一个浪漫的爱情三部曲,也曾经被誉为电影史上最浪漫的电影之一,也是我非常喜欢的一个电影系列  但是今天读了《思想者》,发现,这世上有些情感是那么的广阔和深邃,那甚至不是上面那个电影中的爱情。我想那是我们心灵上暂时还不能被人类语言定义的情感,它就像宇宙中恒星的闪烁,在第一次闪烁瞬间传遍整个心灵宇宙后,再也没有消失。这个闪烁的过程甚至比膨胀了150亿年的外部宇宙中的恒星闪烁更加宏伟壮丽, 因为宇宙是有限的,而思想是无限的。  当然,这样的闪烁,就像恒星的闪烁一样,虽然很普遍,但不是所有的人都能观测的到。能接收到这样的闪烁,需要缘分。很多时候它只是孤独的在心灵宇宙中闪烁着,以前从未被观测到,以后或许也不会…

Liu Cixin's short story science fiction thinker was read on the plane from Shanghai to Tianjin. The story of heroes and heroines due to twinkling stars is from youth to old age. During this period, they only met three times. They did not leave any contact with each other for the first two times, nor did they expect to meet again. If there is some expectation of a second reunion, the premise of the agreement is too harsh, even if the earth receives the twinkling of stars again. Can you imagine the time span? It's not even a flick of a finger to the universe, but for humans, even stars far from the earth, at the speed of light, have a fairly long time span. So compared with the universe, we have a better understanding of the meaning of "life is short". After all, human beings are just parasites on a grain of sand in a corner of the universe, very small. But such a cosmic-scale timetable has been practiced without leaving any means of communication, even years later, assuming that both parties in front of the meeting know it doesn't exist. I want to remind the reader that the heroes and heroines have never spoken to each other, and that they have never met again on the basis of love. If there is a good feeling, it may be just the man first met the girl's heart touched, and then turned into a deep unconscious single love. For decades, without any commitment to each other, each has its own trajectory of life, but has not forgotten many years ago, based on an astronomical agreement, each other from youth to old age. It reminds me of a movie I saw before, love at dawn. After the hero and heroine met and fell in love, they did not leave any contact information. They agreed to meet again at the same place one year later. It's a romantic love trilogy, once known as one of the most romantic movies in film history, and one of my favorite movie series, but today after reading The Thinker, I find that some of the emotions in the world are so broad and profound that they are not even the love in the film above. I think it's emotions in our minds that can't be defined by human language for the time being. It's like the twinkling of stars in the universe that never disappears after the first twinkling of an instant travels through the inner universe. This process of twinkling is even more magnificent than the stellar twinkling in the outer universe, which has expanded for 15 billion years, because the universe is finite and the mind is infinite. Of course, such flashes, like the twinkling of stars, are common, but not all people can observe them. It takes fate to receive such a flash. Many times it just flickers lonely in the spiritual universe, never seen before, and probably never will.



