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更新时间2018-04-18 04:53:00


The last one for lifeI hear the silent whispers,我只听见无声的耳语

Darkness still upon me,黑暗仍然将我笼罩

All those empty words所有那些来自已经埋葬的心中

from the buried heart空洞的辞藻

I don’t know where fear ends我不知道恐惧将在哪里终结

and where hate begins,也不知道仇恨从何处开始

It’s all the same to me,反正两者都一样

Life is falling apart生命在分崩离析

Hand in hand…side by side手牵手,肩并肩

I walk with fate in the night我与命运同行在夜间

The red fluid of life is flowing right along my arms,生命之液顺我手臂流淌

I feel the sweet blade diving deep inside,我感受着甜美刀锋深潜肌肤

This moment I’ve been waiting for so long a time,为这一刻我已等待许久

when I know the last cut will be for my life当我知道这是死前最后一刻

I’ve looked through the eyes of pain我望穿痛苦的双眸

and seen the smile of death看见了死神的微笑

I’ve wandered in the shadows of my fears我一直在恐惧的边缘徘徊

The feathers of a white dove白鸽的羽毛

were stained by darkened tears沾染了一行浊泪

The final tune is soon to be played尾声即将奏响

Hand in hand…side by side手牵手,肩并肩

I walk with death in the night我与死亡同行在夜间

