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更新时间2018-03-15 10:41:42

帮忙翻译一下,谢    李清照,中国文学史上最伟大的女词人,受家庭影响,从小便工诗善词。词风清新委婉,感真挚,但后期,经一系列变故,诗词变为凄凉悲痛,抒发怀乡悼亡感也寄托强烈亡国之思。多年的背井离乡,最终无依无靠的寂寞死于江南。   翻译大体意思不能变,可以根据自己理解翻译,翻译不好没事,别有语法错误就行了。谢李清照,中国文学史上最伟大的女词人,受家庭影响,从小便工诗善词。词风清新委婉,感情真挚,Li Qingzhao is one of the greatest woman poet in the history of chinese literary. Influenced by her family, she took up poems since childhood and did well in them. She developed a fresh and mild style to express sincere feelings. 但后期,经一系列变故,诗词变为凄凉悲痛,抒发怀乡悼亡情感也寄托强烈亡国之思。In the later period,  striken by a series of misfortunes, she wrote bitter and sorrowful words in memory of the deceased husband, expressing the nostalgia and the sorrow of subjugation. 多年的背井离乡,最终无依无靠的寂寞死于江南。Having left her hometown for years, she died alone desolately in the south area of Changjiang River 


