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更新时间2018-03-12 01:51:42



 爱丽丝漫游仙境Scene 1 Prologe 场景1:序幕 N: It was a nice sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading a book.阳光明媚。爱丽丝和姐姐在看书。ALS: (困) What’s the use of the book without pictures or conversations?爱丽丝:没有插图和对话的书有什么用呢?Rabbit: Oh dear! I shall be late! 兔子:天啊!我会迟到的!ALS: What’s that? A rabbit with a watch?爱丽丝:那是什么?带表的兔子?N: Alice followed the rabbits and she got into a rabbit-hole. It went deep into the ground. Alice couldn’t stop herself falling.爱丽丝跟着兔子进了一个兔子洞。洞通到地下深处。爱丽丝无法控制地跌落下去。ALS: Well! After a falling like this, I can fall anywhere!爱丽丝:哎呀!经历这样的跌落,我可以落到任何地方了!Scene 2 Big and Small 场景2:大和小N: Would she ever stop falling? Suddenly, she was sitting on the ground. She stood up and saw the rabbit.她能停止往下掉吗?突然,她就坐在地面上了。她站起身就看到了兔子。ALS: Look! The rabbit!爱丽丝:看啊!那只兔子!Rabbit: Oh MY GOD! How late it’s getting!兔子:天啊!现在有多晚了?N: Alice ran after the rabbit like a wind. Suddenly, she ran into a large room. It was dark, and she couldn’t see the rabbit.爱丽丝风一般地跟在兔子身后跑。突然,她跑进一个大大的房间。里面很黑,她看不着兔子了。ALS:How can I get out? (看到钥匙)A key? 爱丽丝:我怎么出去?——用钥匙吗?N: Alice found a small door and unlocked it easily but she couldn’t get through it. Then she found a bottle of water.爱丽丝找到一间没上锁的小门但她过不去。然后她又找到一瓶水。ALS:(拿起瓶子) What’s this? (疑惑)DRINK ME? It could be dangerous! Hmm, it tastes nice! What a strange feeling! I’m getting smaller?!爱丽丝:——这是什么?——“喝了我?”这可能是很危险的东西!恩,尝起来倒很美味。有种很奇怪的感觉!我在变小吗?!N: She was right. A few minutes later, she was able to get through the small door. She got through the door. She discovered a piece of cake in a box near her.她是对的。几分钟后,她就变小到足以通过那扇门了。她过去了,又发现了放在盒子里的一块蛋糕。ALS: Now nothing can surprise me now. I’ll eat the cake. (吃蛋糕)Now I am so tall! I became as tall as a house !爱丽丝:现在什么也不能让我惊讶了。我会把蛋糕吃了。——我现在变这么高了!我高的像房子一样!Rabbit: Oh, the(PS:发”de”的音) Duchess! She’ll be angry, and she’s waiting for me! Oh dear!兔子:哦!公爵夫人!她会生气的,她正等着我呢!天啊!ALS: Oh please, sir——爱丽丝:求你了,先生——ALS: I’m getting smaller again! That’s great!爱丽丝:我又变小了!太好了!Rabbit: Oh, where are my gloves? Alice? What’re you doing here? (急切地)Run home and bring me some gloves now! Be quick!兔子:我手套哪去了?爱丽丝,你在这干什么呢?回家给我去手套来吧!快点!N: Alice hurried away, but she didn’t know where the house was. She was lost. Finally she found a house. She got into the house.爱丽丝急忙跑开了,但她不知道房子在哪。她迷路了。她终于找到了一间房子。她就进去了。Scene 3 the Cheshire cat 场景3:柴郡猫ALS: It’s a kitchen! Look, here comes the Duchess. Please, why does your cat grin like that? 爱丽丝:那有个厨房!看啊,公爵夫人来了。请问,你的猫为什么那样笑啊?Duchess: It’s a Cheshire(PS:”切希尔”的音) Cat(柴郡猫). That’s why. Oh, I’ve to go now. The Queen has invited me to play the chess.公爵夫人:那是只柴郡猫。这就是为什么。噢,我得走了,皇后请我去下国际象棋呢。N: The Duchess went out of the room, and the cat grinned at Alice. Alice gets closer to the cat.公爵夫人走出房间,这猫又冲着爱丽丝笑个不停。爱丽丝走向猫。 ALS: Please, can you tell me the way to home?爱丽丝:请问,你能告诉我回家的路吗?Cat: But where do you want to go to? If you want to play the chess with the Queen, turn left.猫:但你想回哪去呢?如果你是想和皇后下象棋,向左走。ALS: I’d like to.爱丽丝:我倒是想去。Cat: Then turn left, and you’ll see me there.猫:那就左转,你在那能看见我。N: The cat vanished, and Alice decided to turn left. She wanted to play with the Queen.猫消失了,爱丽丝决定左转,她想和皇后一起玩。Scene 4 the Queen’s Game 场景4:皇后的游戏N: Alice went to the Queen’s castle. Suddenly, she saw a pack of cards.爱丽丝前往皇后的城堡。突然,她见到一副纸牌。ALS: OH! the king and the queen comes !爱丽丝:哦!国王和王后都来了!Queen: Who’re you?皇后:你是谁?ALS: My name’s Alice, Your Majesty.爱丽丝:我叫爱丽丝,陛下。Queen: Hmm, Alice is a good name. Can you play the chess?皇后:嗯,爱丽丝是个不错的名字,你会下象棋吗?ALS: Yes!爱丽丝:会!Queen: Come on then!皇后:那就来吧!ALS:OK….. (看到猫)Hey, what’s this?爱丽丝:好的——嘿,这是什么?Cat: Hello, Alice. How do you like the Queen?猫:你好,爱丽丝。你喜欢皇后吗?N: Alice didn’t like the Queen but she saw the queen was walking toward her, so she said,爱丽丝其实并不喜欢皇后,但她看见皇后正向她走来。于是她说:ALS: She’s clever. She’s the best player.爱丽丝:她很聪明,她是最棒的玩家。King: Who’re you talking to?国王:你在跟谁说话?ALS: It’s a friend of mine: a Cheshire cat.爱丽丝:那是我的一个朋友,柴郡猫。Queen: I didn’t like it.catch it!皇后:我不喜欢它,抓住它!N: But the cat suddenly vanished. The Queen tried to find it but she couldn’t.但猫突然消失了。皇后试图把它抓出来但办不到。Queen: I’m so angry! I won’t play this! (跑了)皇后:我太生气了!我不会再玩了!ALS: Wait for me! (跟着)爱丽丝:等等我!(趴在桌上继续喊”Wait,~~Wait for me)(摇ALS)Alice’s sister: Wake up, Alice dear~ You ‘ve been asleep a long time!爱丽丝的姐姐:醒醒,爱丽丝,你睡了很久了!Alice: Oh, my sister? I've had a very strange dream~爱丽丝:姐姐?我做了一个非常奇怪的梦……


